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verified Solution

hr I QUIRC: digital insurance platform

Released 20 July 2022
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Hannover Re's technology offers end-to-end capability that enables our partners to run a next-generation digital life insurance business. 

hr | QUIRC’s powerful engine caters for a broad range of life insurance products, from simple basic funeral products to an intelligent and comprehensive suite of fully underwritten products, through its flexible design. 

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Photo of Haris Christoforou
Haris Christoforou
Hannover Re
Solution expert
Photo of Priyanthini Nagalingam
Priyanthini Nagalingam
Hannover Re
Solution expert

To align the customer journey for life insurance to other online consumer experiences, digital self-service for both sales and servicing are a core design philosophy of our platform.

System concept and features

In developing a different approach, our primary objectives were to create a system that:

  • is truly flexible
  • considers the customer journey in its entirety
  • has the ability to be seamlessly integrated into existing systems environments
  • provides a comprehensive reporting platform covering all aspects of the digital process

Our goal is to transform life insurers into modern, digitally driven, consumer-focused entities.

Components and processes

hr | QUIRC supports every step of the life insurance journey and enables process efficiencies across all back-end functions involved in policy acquisition, servicing and administration.

With our omni-channel approach, we ensure that the customer is at the centre of our processes and the platform allows seamless transition from one medium to another.

Flexible solutions

Our flexible suite of digital solutions offers our clients the ability to use specific components of the system or the complete technology stack. The ability to customise and calibrate these components according to our clients’ brand and overall philosophy is key. Working with our clients, we can customise all aspects of hr | QUIRC quickly and cost-effectively to provide a tailor-made solution.

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