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verified Solution


Released 26 May 2021
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Faster product development! The industry's first solution to reduce time-to-market by up to 30% and carrier development costs by up to 25% without replacing current systems. 

Verified partner


Photo of David Shaw
David Shaw
Penn River
Co-Founder and CEO
United States
Photo of Tiffany Norman
Tiffany Norman
Hannover Re
Solution expert
Photo of Larry Dinkler
Larry Dinkler
Hannover Re
Solution expert

ProductHub can be implemented in step phases with each phase bringing significant value to the organization.

  • Step 1: Collaboration and Project Visibility and
  • Step 2: Gold Copy Product Specifications, can be implemented with no integration in a few short weeks. 
  • Stepn3: Product Configuration and 
  • Step 4: Certification, takes 60-90 days, but can bring significant value in product testing.  

Key benefits

Penn River’s ProductHub has been purposely architected for agility:

  • Enable the roll-out of innovative products faster
  • Reduce costs & Improve reuse
  • Enable Collaboration
  • Project Visibility through dashboards across functional silos
  • Provide flexibility and capitalize on ability to clone, and reuse core products
  • Version Control of Product Specs to maintain a Gold Copy
  • Extensive ability to model and test all requirements with full traceability to third party platforms such as illustrations, new business, and administration
  • Compliment rather than replace existing your core systems
  • Easily move product configuration from one environment to another
  • Ability to manage and test conversions

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Penn River
United States

  • United States

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