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Released 04 November 2020
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We provide software and devices for telerehabilitation to treat people after injuries and neurological diseases. For insurance companies, we help to forecast the course duration and reduce up to 60% expenses for one patient.



Photo of Svitlana Malovana
Svitlana Malovana
Co-Founder & CEO

All in one solution for digital rehabilitation

Raccoon.Recovery solution makes the whole rehab process digital. Its core is a cloud-based software for patient management, rehabilitation course creation, and remote monitoring. To track movements during rehabilitation exercises, the startup offers devices. During the lockdown, Raccoon.World team released a possibility to use personal smartphones of patients instead of rehab sensors. Raccoon.Recovery solution is beneficial for patients during all stages of physical rehabilitation.

Raccoon.Recovery's unique pricing model is based on a monthly subscription and formed according to the number of patients the facility has and the number of therapists that worked in the app during a month.

Insurers can reduce patient costs

Thanks to automation, digitized examination and remote monitoring, physiotherapists save time for meaningful tasks and can treat more patients. These changes result in up to +150% revenue increase for rehabilitation centres. With Raccoon.Recovery, insurance companies forecast course duration and reduce up to 60% expenses for one patient, providing timely therapy for existing and new clients. Patients benefit from remote access to rehabilitation, gamified training with measurable results and reach 3x better outcomes from physiotherapy.

At the same time, insurance companies and rehabilitation centres are losing a huge amount of money for therapy and they don’t know anything about its effectiveness. On average, 1,500 euros are spent per patient per month in the EU countries. With our solution companies can spend only 1000 euros per month and receive a complete picture of what is happening (These figures are based on the results of the pilot with the Polish insurance company). Moreover, we support clinics and insurance companies to reach more patients and provide them with timely treatment.

Gamification for rehabilitation

Many other rehab solutions do not provide patient engagement. They are limited in the number of games for each diagnosis. Raccoon.World makes sure that the patients do not get bored during the rehabilitation course, and they have access to a variety of rehab content. Therefore, the team has developed an algorithm that allows you to assign any of the exercises selected by the therapist (elbow flexion, hand rotation or any other) to one of the commands (for example, jump, shoot, squat, etc.) in a real computer game.

Raccoon.Recovery uses existing games as content for exercises to keep patients motivated. The game is controlled by prescribed rehab movements. It is also possible to track incorrectly performed exercises. Gamification provided by Raccoon.Recovery helps to increase the number of repetitive movements per session. With this solution, patients can choose games based on their hobbies and interests and restore their physical condition playing games.

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