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Hello Tomo

Released 26 June 2019
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Tomo is an app that uses the power of online community to build habits that improve management and build resilience to mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. 

The app helps improve recovery following treatment, reducing the risk of relapse and building long term resilience.



Photo of Gus Booth-Clibborn
Gus Booth-Clibborn
Hello Tomo
United Kingdom

Who is Tomo for? 

Tomo helps two groups of users: 

  1. Tomo supports users with depression or anxiety who have just completed a course of treatment. Behavioural intervention at this point extends the benefits of therapy, reducing relapse and the need for further therapy. 
  2. Tomo helps users with mild/moderate depression self-manage their condition when not in treatment. Promoting healthy behaviours in this group can prevent depression from getting worse and aid recovery. It also builds awareness and the ability to self-management. 

Tomo is effective when used for a three month 'course', but users are encouraged to continue to use the product for longer. 

Tomo business customers, such as insurers, get access to aggregate user behaviour and outcomes data to help them understand their patient/user populations. 

How the app works

  • Tomo’s chatbot interface helps users identify beneficial activities and helps to schedule them on a regular basis to turn them into healthy habits. 
  • These are simple, everyday activities (having a glass of water or meeting up with a friend) that have a proven impact on mental health conditions.
  • Users then share photos of these activities with Tomo’s community motivating themselves to do more and inspiring others to do the same. 
  • Users can track their progress and take psychometric tests to help them understand how what they do affects how they feel.

Why Tomo works

The app is based on Behavioural Activation, a leading therapeutic technique drawn from CBT,which is shown to be as effective as CBT for treating depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. It is also shown to reduce relapse rates in users with depression by up to 10%. 

Our social sharing function draws on peer accountability models (like the 12-Step programme) which are shown to make behaviour change more effective. It is anonymous with effective community moderation in place to ensure our users are kept safe. 

Tomo collects verified data points on the behaviours of patients with mental health conditions outside of the clinical setting. Tomo feeds this information back to users and also shares it with key partners.

Tomo is independently evidenced: multiple studies show Tomo both creates sustainable behaviour change and improves clinical outcomes.

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Hello Tomo
United Kingdom

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