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YuviTal Health - Rewarding & loyalty platform for customer engagement and healthy living

Released 27 April 2022
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Digital rewarding and loyalty platform for customer engagement and behavioral change to healthy living. 



Photo of Kobi Berebi
Kobi Berebi
Deputy CEO

Based on gamification and behavioral economic theories, our machine learning technology identifies key underlying processes of user activity to pinpoint areas of improvement. As a result, insurers receive insightful data to create an effective customer experience. 

About YuviTal

YuviTal Health is a digital rewarding and loyalty platform for customer engagement. It is designed to encourage the adoption of a healthy & active lifestyle of Life & Health policyholders. 

By incentivizing healthier decision-making, the Insurance company can promote preventive medicine and reduce risk and healthcare claim costs. Insurance companies get a tool to personalize the customer experience and coverage by accessing dozens of unique data points in real-time.

The YuviTal Health platform is based on scientific research. It integrates social psychology and behavioral economics theories, designed by in-house experts such as doctors, nutritionists, physiologists, and behavioral economists. The triple vector incentive structure of the platform ensures high engagement and success.

Thanks to the gamified flow of the platform, members engage daily and some a few times a day.

Personal Health Mark (PHM)

The YuviTal Personal Health Mark (P.H.M.) is a health metric calculated from a wide range of objective and non-objective health parameters and goals. 

A 100% P.H.M. will vary from one person to another to provide the highest level of  personalization. The P.H.M. is a practical way for the policyholders to understand where they are positioned from their health self-ideal. For the insurer, it's a way to get a numeric value for the health of each customer and accurately record the policyholders' health improvement over time.

Health Parameters:
  • Sleep Hours & Quality
  • Weight & B.M.I. Calculator
  • Daily Activity
  • Physical Activity
  • Nutrition
  • Hydration
  • Health Awareness
  • Stress & Mental Health

Insurers, what's in it for you?

As insurers, you can expect a distinct change in various fields that you can measure and evaluate over time.

  • Future claim savings
  • An improved underwriting process
  • Real-time data to personalize your policies
  • A better customer experience
  • To lower your lapse ratio
  • Loyal and engaged customers

Incentive Ecosystem & Engagement

YuviTal Health is a triple vector incentive program that implements Economic, Psychological and Social incentives. Based on this triangle, the YuviTal platform drives the users to make healthier choices and leads them to a long-lasting fundamental change in their behavior and lifestyle. 

Utilizing this triangle, we are able to influence any individual based on their own personal motivations and incentives. 

Thanks to the subtle combination of psychological, economic, and social incentives, the platform is able to reach any person. Since we are different individuals, influenced by various things, it is understandable that each person will be motivated differently. The unique concept of YuviTal Health ensures each person is bound to find their individual motivation. 

Engagement data of existing users are presented in the attached, and they support the core concept of the YuviTal Health program. 

Find out how the 5th largest HMO in the world engage with its members

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YuviTal Health Ltd

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