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hr | Ascent - The global guide for life underwriting

Released 02 March 2019
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As a global, web-based underwriting guide, hr | Ascent is easily accessible and its intuitive design makes it convenient for all levels of users. hr | Ascent utilises the latest technology to help users in their day-to-day activities – irrespective of their workplace: at the office, at home, or whilst travelling.

hr | Ascent’s ratings are based on leading research from Hannover Re’s international underwriting experts, medical consultants and actuaries. Their ongoing contributions ensure that the underwriting manual stays current through continuous refinement.

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Photo of Ariel Mierzejewski
Ariel Mierzejewski
Hannover Re
Solution expert

The guidance

hr | Ascent provides comprehensive, easy-to-follow guidance on the five important risk criteria for underwriting:

The difference

hr | Ascent is not merely an underwriting tool, but a reference tool and a calculation engine. It serves the needs of an experienced underwriter and at the same time provides educational support to developing junior underwriters, all by the depth of its information.

  • Innovative calculators help evaluating complex medical information very rapidly.
  • Images and illustrations convey a better understanding of the impairment.
  • A resources section with information on abbreviations, laboratory tests and medical investigations complete the working foundation for underwriters.

Being designed for experienced as well as developing underwriters, hr | Ascent is an intuitive, reliable, web-based manual for comprehensive risk evaluation.

The access

Our clients benefit from an accessible underwriting reference that is regularly updated to reflect rapidly evolving medical and market-specific environments.

If you are interested in hr | Ascent - The global guide for life underwriting - please contact Hannover Re

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