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Second Nature

Released 21 October 2020
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The digitally-delivered lifestyle intervention designed to drive behavioural change and weight loss to reduce the risk of diabetes.



Photo of Mark Davies
Mark Davies
Second Nature
Partnerships Manager
United Kingdom

Second Nature is a 6-month, digital lifestyle programme empowering patients with the tools to build healthy habits and reduce the risk of diabetes! 

Non-communicable diseases are currently the biggest drivers of global health spending accounting for around 75% of costs, a trend only to be exacerbated over time.

Our behavioural change programme drives disease prevention and management, to promote a healthier demographic and thereby reduce the number of medical claims. This will position your business into one that not only quantifies and prices risk, but one that lowers it.

With the ubiquity of e-commerce and social media, patients expectations have increased. Our digital approach will enable your business to stand out in an already competitive market; whilst promoting customer centricity through our tracking technology. This real-time data will also be available to you as an insurer, to better understand the outcomes for your patients.

In summary, our digital approach to weight management will enable you to build a long-term, healthy relationship with your customers.

How it works?

The three main ways we support participants to build healthy habits: 

1. Coaching: All participants receive continuous private coaching and peer group support. Our health coaches respond to participant queries very quickly, and are available from Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm. Group sizes are formed of 10-14 people in a similar demographic to them (balanced number of male and female participants, similar age ranges). The group members support each other throughout the first 12 weeks of the programme by messaging each other in a group forum. This is continually monitored by the health coach, who intervenes if necessary.

2. Self-monitoring: The initial 200 participants receive a set of wireless weighing scales and a wearable activity tracker, which can be used to track changes in weight, steps and sleep within the app. After these places were filled, new participants received the recipe book and nutritional handbook and have full access to the app and health coach support. All participants have access to recipes, food diaries and learning articles within the app and can enter their weight and steps manually.

3. Education: Daily structured education articles focus on nutrition, exercise, sleep, positive thinking and stress management for the first 12-weeks and weekly educational articles are provided for the final 12-weeks. The daily articles are QISMET-accredited to provide diabetes structured education.


Second Nature is the first online habit change programme to be commissioned by the NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service):

We’ve helped thousands of people prevent and manage type 2 diabetes!

With a 79% completion rate, people using the programme achieved an average 8.3% weight loss at 6 months (about 7 kg) and an average HbA1c reduction of 13.6 mmol/mol at 3 months. 40% lowered their HbA1c below the diagnostic threshold for diabetes. Our outcomes are published in the peer-reviewed Diabetic Medicine, Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes and Future of Healthcare Journal.

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Second Nature
United Kingdom

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