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Released 22 April 2020
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Award-winning longitudinal screening platform for health, chronic disease progression, lifestyle risk impact and biological aging. Cutting edge epigenetics and AI at your fingertips from simple and easy to use saliva testing kits.



Photo of Toby Call
Toby Call
Co-founder and CBDO
United Kingdom

Chronomics is partnering with insurance to open a new chapter in equitable protection, for both consumers and their insurers.

We believe chronic illness sufferers and those at risk should not be deprived of insurance protection, and insurers need state of the art tools to assess risk at the most fundamental level.

We also believe individuals have the right to be rewarded for healthy behaviour, and that insurers can only do so with accurate assessment of long term risk.

With the age of personalised and proactive prevention upon us, consumers are actively choosing solutions that provide actionable health benefits to prolong healthy life. 

Contact us to see how we can help your practice adapt to a changing world and deliver fair policies to more clients.

How does Chronomics epigenetic testing work?

Chronomics provides accurate, holistic, and longitudinal screening for health, biological aging, and lifestyle risk factors. 

Our all-in-one solution is a simple, repeatable, and non-invasive saliva test that quantifies epigenetic changes over time using our world leading AI/ML and next generation sequencing driven MLbiomarker discovery platfrom. 

Users can access their health information and improvements through their secure online portal, and insurers can track and reward health changes for accurate pricing and assessment. 

Epigenetics does not fall under the same regulations as genetic testing, it is dynamic and opens new possibilities for insurance in dynamic or accelerated underwriting, in particular to monitor risk reductions or management for lifestyle induced and age related chronic diseases.

We work with you to create the best products for your customers.

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