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verified Solution

OSIRIS Enterprise

Released 26 February 2020
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OSIRIS Enterprise is a solution bringing together all users to deal with the key raw material of the insurance business: data.

The platform provides data managers a secured environment where they can store data in a standardized way and provide actuaries qualified data to follow risks, price contracts and model liabilities.

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Photo of Thomas BOUDINAUD
Photo of Sébastien POTHERAT
Sébastien POTHERAT
Photo of Kentish Raghoonundun
Kentish Raghoonundun
Hannover Re
Solution expert

1- The platform

OSIRIS Enterprise is a data management and modelling platform available in SaaS (Software as a Service) on a private cloud deployed for each of our clients.

It provides them a DataLake shared with their internal community in which the different profiles of users can upload, use or export data.

The application combines databases and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions specifically adapted to the insurance and reinsurance sector.

2- Components

The solution processes and manages data from their integration to their use. This combination of a user interface with algorithms and databases is composed of 4 main modules:

Readers (csv, txt, pdf, excel, database files)

• Integrated File Explorer

Report Manager (library of checks and reports)

Databases (secured storage and insurance data dictionary used as a learning base)

3- Strengths

The application provided with a SaaS model meets the needs of data processing in the insurance industry thanks to our operational and actuarial experience of the business and our knowledge of cloud computing and data sciences technologies:

Versatile: integration of the entire data management chain and various reporting, controlling and modelling services

Dynamic: web interface to process data in interaction with OSIRIS algorithms, configure new portfolios and develop own clients reports in R or Python

Technological: deployed on a secured private cloud managed by Alphawave to ease installation and maintenance, to optimize the infrastructure depending on clients needs and then minimize costs

4- Usage

The tool offers a wide range of services to process and use data in a comprehensive way for the insurance business:

Absorb and standardize data thanks to our readers

Qualify and check data using our control reports or your own designed ones

Calculate and model through OSIRIS tasks we provide or that you directly drop on the platform

Analyze and export processed data to fill all your needs such as regulatory reports, accounting bookings, modelling assumptions calculations or risk management studies

OSIRIS Brochure

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